Tag Archives: science

Call for Artists-in-the-Lab (AiL)

The Artist-in-the-Lab (AiL) program aims at fostering the collaboration between art, science, and technology. Artists will be embedded in the teuscher.:Lab lab at Portland State University where they can engage and interact with scientists and students to gain a deeper understanding of cutting-edge science and technology. More info at https://www.teuscher-lab.com/ail

Samyak named top 300 Scholar in the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS)

The Society for Science announced that tlab intern Samyak Shrimali has been named a top 300 Scholar in the 82nd Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) — the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and mathematics competition for high school seniors.

Regeneron STS recognizes and empowers the most promising young scientists in the U.S. who are creating the ideas and solutions that solve our most urgent challenges. A listing of all 300 Scholars can be found here ; a total of 1,949 students around the country entered the competition this year.  Each scholar will receive $2,000, and their schools will also receive $2,000 to use toward STEM-related activities.

New Science article: Reconfigurable perovskite nickelate electronics for artificial intelligence

Our new Science article is out:

H.-T. Zhang and T. J. Park and A. N. M. N. Islam and D. S. J. Tran and S. Manna and Q. Wang and S. Mondal and H. Yu and S. Banik and S. Cheng and H. Zhou and S. Gamage and S. Mahapatra and Y. Zhu and Y. Abate and N. Jiang and S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan and A. Sengupta and C. Teuscher and S. Ramanathan. Reconfigurable perovskite nickelate electronics for artificial intelligenceScience, 375(6580): 533-539, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abj7943

“Having all the core functionality required for neuromorphic computing in one type of a device could offer dramatic improvements to emerging computing architectures and brain-inspired hardware for artificial intelligence. Zhang et al. showed that proton-doped perovskite neodymium nickelate (NdNiO3) could be reconfigured at room temperature by simple electrical pulses to generate the different functions of neuron, synapse, resistor, and capacitor (see the Perspective by John). The authors designed a prototype experimental network that not only demonstrated electrical reconfiguration of the device, but also showed that such dynamic networks enabled a better approximation of the dataset for incremental learning scenarios compared with static networks.” —YS

Science commentary: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abn6196

PSU press release: https://www.pdx.edu/news/new-ai-research-gives-existing-systems-versatility-growth-and-lifelong-learning

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