Tag Archives: program

Call for Artists-in-the-Lab (AiL)

The Artist-in-the-Lab (AiL) program aims at fostering the collaboration between art, science, and technology. Artists will be embedded in the teuscher.:Lab lab at Portland State University where they can engage and interact with scientists and students to gain a deeper understanding of cutting-edge science and technology. More info at https://www.teuscher-lab.com/ail

Apply now for the REU and altREU programs

Interested in a summer research internship? Check out the altREU and REU programs! Both programs are virtual.

NSF REU Site on Computational Modeling Serving Portland:

altREU: An Alternative Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) to Design, Program, and use Computers to Benefit Society:

Apply now for the 2023 Graduate Research and Mentoring Program!

Apply now for the 2023 Graduate Research and Mentoring Program!

Job opening for PSU undergraduate students: Undergraduate research program administrator

Job opening for PSU undergraduate students: Undergraduate research program administrator for NSF REU Site on Computational Modeling Serving the City.

More info at https://app.joinhandshake.com/jobs/4064286