On the sparse percolation of damage in finite non-synchronous random Boolean networks,

Now available online: M. Ishii, J. Gores, C. Teuscher, “On the sparse percolation of damage in finite non-synchronous random Boolean networks,” Physica D, 398:84-91, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physd.2019.05.011

LCA Paper Published

Our LCA paper is published!

W. Woods and C. Teuscher, “Fast and Accurate Sparse Coding of Visual Stimuli With a Simple, Ultralow-Energy Spiking Architecture,” in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 2173-2187, July 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TNNLS.2018.2878002


New Chaos Paper

Our new paper is is accepted in the Chaos journal: P. Banda, J. Caughman, M. Cenek, C. Teuscher, “Shift-Symmetric Configurations in Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata: Irreversibility, Insolvability, and Enumeration.”

Abstract: The search for symmetry as an unusual yet profoundly appealing phenomenon, and the origin of regular, repeating configuration patterns have been for a long time a central focus of complexity science, and physics. Here, we introduce group-theoretic concepts to identify and enumerate the symmetric inputs, which result in irreversible system behaviors with undesired effects on many computational tasks. The concept of so-called configuration shift-symmetry is applied on two-dimensional cellular automata as an ideal model of computation. The results show the universal insolvability of “non-symmetric” tasks regardless of the transition function. By using a compact enumeration formula and bounding the number of shift-symmetric configurations for a given lattice size, we efficiently calculate how likely a configuration randomly generated from a uniform or density-uniform distribution turns shift-symmetric. Further, we devise an algorithm detecting the presence of shift-symmetry in a configuration. The enumeration and probability formulas can directly help to lower the minimal expected error for many crucial (non-symmetric) distributed problems, such as leader election, edge detection, pattern recognition, convex hull/minimum bounding rectangle, and encryption. Besides cellular automata, the shift-symmetry analysis can be used to study the non-linear behavior in various synchronous rule-based systems that include inference engines, Boolean networks, neural networks, and systolic arrays.