Job opening for PSU undergraduate students: Undergraduate research program administrator

Job opening for PSU undergraduate students: Undergraduate research program administrator for NSF REU Site on Computational Modeling Serving the City.

More info at

Former summer intern accepted to Yale and completing internship at CNN

High schooler Raja Moreno did an internship in our lab last summer before being admitted to Yale for his undergrad studies. He is also doing an internship with Anderson Cooper 360° this summer. In his own words:

At Teuscher Lab, I designed and implemented algorithms to automate the analysis of teaching and learning activity in a college classroom. I tested and documented the work for Professor Teuscher to use in a grant proposal. I also had a wonderful time getting to know the other members of the lab, and leaned on a lot of its senior members for help and advice.

Doing research in Teuscher Lab was my first “real” work-during-working-hours job, and it helped me get used to being diligent and focused during my work day. A lot of the critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills I nurtured in the lab also help me now on AC360°. Moreover, Professor Teuscher helped me figure out that I want to continue using quantitative methods to solve interesting social problems in my education and beyond. I try to pay the generosity and kindness he showed me forward to the incoming first-years I mentor. I look up to Professor Teuscher as an example of how to be kind and welcoming to everyone — he took me in when I had nothing to offer but curiosity and a bit of elbow grease and helped me learn. I will always be grateful to him for that.

Here’s a little more about what I do at CNN:

  • I research breaking news stories and present my findings to our production team for use on air.
  • I compiled an internal database for the booking team.
  • I shadow our control room operations and pre-tapes. assist the APs/PAs, transcribe interviews, and investigate and pitch several stories per week.

The only thing I’d like to add is a big thank-you to Professor Teuscher

CFP: Special Section on Parallel and Distributed Computing Techniques for Non-Von Neumann Technologies

Call for Papers: Special Section on Parallel and Distributed Computing Techniques for Non-Von Neumann Technologies

Traditional computing is heading increasingly into the memory wall, the power wall, the instruction-level-parallelism wall, and other performance limiters. This situation presents new opportunities for non-traditional computer architectures—neuromorphic, quantum, in-memory, and other approaches not based on the von Neumann architecture—to deliver the perpetually needed improvements in execution speed. For this special section of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), we will be accumulating recent community research in these areas, with a specific focus on parallel and distributed computing architectures, into a curated selection of articles.

About TPDS special sections

TPDS has recently started a new initiative called “special sections.” Compared with regular submissions to TPDS, special sections have some differences: (1) submissions are focused on special topics of interest (similar to special issues); (2) special sections have fixed deadlines for submission and notifications; and (3) special sections have a standing committee of reviewers similar to conferences. This is the second such special section that we are planning.

Topics of interest

The special section is dedicated to novel, emerging, and promising parallel and distributed computing techniques for non-von Neumann technologies. This includes all manner of radical new architectures, but not conventional accelerators, such as GPUs, FPGAs, and SIMD systems or ordinary CPUs embedded in various devices. Articles about software simulations and foundational models of such systems are welcome, but novel programming models designed for conventional hardware are likely to be deemed out of scope. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Neuromorphic computing
  • Biologically-inspired computing
  • Quantum computing
  • Annealing-based computing, both quantum and classical
  • Memristor- and other emerging-device-based computing
  • Approximate, probabilistic, and inexact computing
  • In-memory processing and memory-based computing
  • Analog computing
  • Reversible computing
  • DNA computing
  • Thermodynamic computing
  • Optical computing
  • Chemical computing and chemical reaction networks
  • Cellular computing
  • Collision-based computing

Submission deadline: Sep 1, 2020

More info at

DAC 2020 Neuromorphic Computing Workshop

DAC 2020 Neuromorphic Computing Workshop: Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives

Register for free at