Author Archives: Christof Teuscher

NANOARCH 2023 paper + presentation

Dr. Teuscher presented his paper on “Material and Physical Reservoir Computing for Beyond CMOS Electronics: Quo Vadis?” at the 18th ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH 23), which was held in Dresden, Germany, Dec 18-20, 2023.


Life may be less chaotic than we thought

Dr. Teuscher was quoted in a New Scientist article on “Life may be less chaotic than we thought, say physicists.”

Christof Teuscher at Portland State University in Oregon says the new computational method is an exciting tool and the conclusions it led to complicate the discussion of what exactly the edge of chaos is. Though models rigorously rooted in laboratory studies haven’t been so extensively studied before, the new study may still include too few of them for generalising its conclusions to all life, he says. There is no question that living organisms exist at “sweet spots” somewhere between order and chaos, but it remains an open question how similar those spots are across all life forms and all of life’s processes, says Teuscher.”

Original article: Kyu Hyong Park, Felipe Xavier Costa, Luis M. Rocha, Réka Albert, and Jordan C. Rozum, Models of Cell Processes are Far from the Edge of Chaos, PRX Life 1, 023009,

Presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC)

Dr. Teuscher gave a presentation on “Unconventional Computing’s False Promises?” at the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC) in San Diego, Dec 5-6, 2023.

NNPC keynote on Material and Physical Reservoir Computing for Beyond-CMOS Electronics

Dr. Christof Teuscher (ECE) gave an invited keynote presentation on “Material and Physical Reservoir Computing for Beyond-CMOS Electronics” at the International Conference on Neuromorphic, Natural and Physical Computing (NNPC), Hannover, Oct 25-27, 2023.