Author Archives: Christof Teuscher

Nancy attends Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE) conference in Portugal

tlab and EXITO scholar Nancy reports from her 2022 COSYNE conference attendance.

This spring break, I attended the Computational and Systems Neuroscience conference (Cosyne) 2022 and workshops in Portugal – made possible by teuscher.:Lab and a grant from Cosyne. As an undergraduate, Cosyne set me and a group of other undergraduates up with two post-doc researchers in the field, Shashank Pisupati, and Ugurcan Mugan. They showed us the ropes of attending conference poster sessions, gave advice on graduate school and research, and generally were available to answer my questions and invite me into the community. This was my first in-person conference, while many people I talked to had been attending Cosyne for years. I was told that most researchers involved in computational neuroscience attended this conference.

Before the conference, I’d been following the work of G.R. Yang at The Center for Brains, Minds & Machines (CBMM) at MIT. I didn’t know he would be there, and then suddenly, he was sitting next to me at one of the speaking sessions. I was able to strike up a conversation and talk about the lab’s research with one of his graduate students. I also connected with other PIs, graduates, and post-docs about their work. Additionally, Cosyne arranged a meeting for our undergraduate group with some people from Google’s DeepMind, to get an industry perspective on research.

By attending Cosyne, I made valuable contacts, increased my knowledge of current research and techniques in neuroscience, gained more information on making decisions about graduate school, developed my own ideas on implementing computational models, and experienced Portugal.

Apply now for the 2022 Summer Graduate Research and Mentoring Program!

Apply now for the 2022 Summer Graduate Research and Mentoring Program at

New Science article: Reconfigurable perovskite nickelate electronics for artificial intelligence

Our new Science article is out:

H.-T. Zhang and T. J. Park and A. N. M. N. Islam and D. S. J. Tran and S. Manna and Q. Wang and S. Mondal and H. Yu and S. Banik and S. Cheng and H. Zhou and S. Gamage and S. Mahapatra and Y. Zhu and Y. Abate and N. Jiang and S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan and A. Sengupta and C. Teuscher and S. Ramanathan. Reconfigurable perovskite nickelate electronics for artificial intelligenceScience, 375(6580): 533-539, 2022.

“Having all the core functionality required for neuromorphic computing in one type of a device could offer dramatic improvements to emerging computing architectures and brain-inspired hardware for artificial intelligence. Zhang et al. showed that proton-doped perovskite neodymium nickelate (NdNiO3) could be reconfigured at room temperature by simple electrical pulses to generate the different functions of neuron, synapse, resistor, and capacitor (see the Perspective by John). The authors designed a prototype experimental network that not only demonstrated electrical reconfiguration of the device, but also showed that such dynamic networks enabled a better approximation of the dataset for incremental learning scenarios compared with static networks.” —YS

Science commentary:

PSU press release:

Other press coverage:

Apply now for the 2022 altREU program

Applications are now open for the 2022 altREU program on “Computational Modeling Serving your Community.”

The altREU program is an alternative, fully online, project-based Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). It is designed for you, the intrinsically motivated doer, eager to go through a unique learning experience that has the potential to directly impact both your community and your career.

More info at

  • Application deadline: Apr 24, 2022
  • Acceptance notifications: May 8, 2022
  • Program duration (10 weeks): Jun 6 – Aug 12, 2022