ISCAS 2023 Tutorial

ISCAS 2023 Tutorial

Material and Physical Reservoir Computing for Beyond-CMOS Electronics

Christof Teuscher

May 21, 2023


Traditional computing is based on an engineering approach that imposes logical states and a computational model upon a physical substrate. Physical or material computing, on the other hand, harnesses and exploits the inherent, naturally-occurring properties of a physical substrate to perform a computation. To do so, reservoir computing is often used as a computing paradigm. In this tutorial, you will learn what reservoir computing is and how to use it for computing with emerging devices and fabrics. You will also learn about the current state-of-the-art and what opportunities and challenges for future research exist. The tutorial is relevant for anybody interested in beyond-CMOS and beyond-von-Neumann architectures, ML, AI, neuromorphic systems, and computing with novel devices and circuits.


Recommended reading to probe further


A list of citations used on the slides. In order of appearance.
Last updated: May 17, 2023

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